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Find Air Mofo

Mofo is Mona’s weird summer music and art festival. To promote it to Mainlanders we made the ill-advised decision to launch an airline - Air Mofo - and give away all the seats to one person. The entry mechanic was basic: we hid Air Mofo on a google map of Tassie, and told people ‘the first person to find it wins it’. We then scattered clues to the plane’s location in all our festival channels.

Over 100,000 Mainlanders entered, spending over 1.5 million minutes on the Mofo website searching for the plane. None found it faster than Tim, a Pentecostal priest from Wollongong, who filled the plane’s 150 seats with his congregation. We made them all wear ‘I’m sleeping with Tim’ t-shirts. The Air Mofo promo generated $5million in earned media. The Today Show spent 20 minutes covering the plane’s arrival, mostly because all the passengers were drunk.

Tasmanian Tourism Awards - Gold, Destination Marketing

Australian Tourism Awards - Bronze, Destination Marketing

Diemen Awards - Grand Diemen, Advertising

Diemen Awards - 5 x Gold, Social/Integrated/Website/digital/outdoor